Hooks Are Like a GeneratePress Superpower


YouTube video

Written By

Jonathan Jernigan

One of the most exciting features of GeneratePress that will elevate your workflow to the next level is Hooks.

This feature is almost hidden in plain sight and it allows you to insert any element you want just about anywhere you want across your site. 

The power here is really immense – you can add anything before or after your header, before page and post content, before or after your footer, and so on. Pretty much anywhere you want to add in a piece of content, you can do it. 

The possibilities really are endless. Add in the display rules feature and you can get any piece of content or any elements exactly where you need them in no time flat.

You’ve probably heard the term “hooks” before in the context of custom coding and it’s more or less the same thing here. We’re using the Elements feature of GeneratePress to hook elements into different parts of your site without affecting templates or changing any core code.

Learn more about my Generate Made Easy course: https://jonathanjernigan.com/generate-made-easy/

Get GeneratePress Premium here: https://jonathanjernigan.com/go/generatepress
GeneratePress hooks visual guide: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/hooks-visual-guide/

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